4U Automation Sp. z o.o.

For years we have been a serious and qualified reference point, with the ability to best fulfil our customer’s requests. We offer a complete service, great professionality, competence and reliability in control and automation

Solutions for Automation

Contact us

Solutions for automations!

4U Automation based in Bielsko-Biała (Poland) is a young, dynamic company which focuses its energy on the distribution of electric and electrical products.

Who we are

The company’s strategy is geared towards total quality, which not only means offering high standards for our products, but also a daily commitment to fulfilling our clients’ needs and request.

This means continuing technical updates with the support of product specialists for the brands we market. Our objective is client satisfaction through efficient and effective products and custom solutions.

Why choose 4U Automation?

  • Electric equipment

    Large warehouse with thousands of available products, possibility to purchase online

  • Planning

    Internal planning and creation of electrical systems and devices for power and control of automation systems.

  • Assembly

    Outsourcing production for third parties, with great savings and benefits to the client and absolute certainty of the final cost.

  • Wiring

    Assembly and wiring of third party electrical devices, via qualified staff, based on drawing and layout provided by the customer.

  • Distributions

    Sales and distribution of the best brands of electrical equipment on the market with traceable worldwide shipment.

  • Technical support

    Expert advice and customized solutions for any industrial automation component issue.